Tips for Hosting a Dinner Party

It is oh so nice to sometimes invite a few close friends for dinner at your home, and this shouldn’t be a stressful occasion, at least not if you plan properly. Ideally, you will already be thinking about a three-course menu, accompanied by suitable wine and aperitif, and with that in mind, here are a few tips to ensure that the dinner party is a success.

  • The Ambience – This is a delicate combination of lighting, scent and décor, and with soft background music playing and suitable lighting, your dinner environment will be both warm and relaxing. A couple of incense sticks burning in the corners will help to create the right ambience, as would scented candles, whichever you prefer, while take a moment to consider the climate control.
  • Cutlery & Crockery – If ever there was a time to break out your best dinner set, this would be it, and if you are short of anything, you can buy wine glasses online, along with dinner sets, napkins and any other items you might require. Shopping online is easy and prices are generally at least 20% lower than in traditional retail outlets.
  • Preparing the Food – Obviously, you should prepare as much as possible in advance, leaving you less to do on the day, which will allow you to spend time with your guests, as any good host should. You can prepare the starter course a few hours before and they will keep in the fridge. Don’t forget to a) chill white wine, or b) open red wine and leave it at room temperature, and make sure that your wine glasses are spotlessly clean.
  • Clearing Away – At the end of the evening, you have two choices; you can either leave everything until the morning, or as often happens, your guests offer to get the washing up out of the way, which allows you, the host, to relax with your guests and your favourite cocktail.
  • Outside Caterers – If cooking is not your strong point, you could order a menu from a local restaurant and have them deliver it to your door an hour before the party begins. There are online solutions that make this an easy thing to arrange, and you can create your own menu this way without any difficulty.

All it takes is a little planning and do make sure that you have an ample supply of ice and mixers, just in case the party lasts longer than you planned.







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