The pros and cons of using salt based water softness

Having a water softener installed in your home is one of the best solutions you can use to combat hard water effects. Hard water can be such a pain because it becomes very hard to lather properly when cleaning up and the mineral deposits usually damage appliances and plumbing. If you’re tired of dealing with hard water and the problems it comes with, it is imperative that you consider investing in an incredible water softener.

How do water softeners work?

Water softeners are designed with an ion exchange process that replaces calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions. Calcium and magnesium are some of the minerals found in hard water and sodium ions switch places with hard water minerals to soften the water. This process takes place in a resin tank or a chamber in the water softener.

When hard water passes through the system, the resin in the tank usually releases the sodium ions in the water and the calcium and magnesium remain in the resin. Once the ion exchange takes place, the soft water exits through the exit pipes and the resin gets ready soften more water.

The resin in the tank is usually salt-based and doesn’t last forever. After some time, it becomes ineffective and loses its ability to transform the magnesium and calcium with sodium ions. Due to that reason, after some time this salt resins have to be replaced.

The pros and cons of water softeners

Water softeners come with various benefits, but this does not make them perfect. Here are some of the pros and cons that come with a salt-based water softener.

The advantages

Improve energy efficiency –  According to research increasing the mineral content of hard water reduces its heating efficiency by as much as 6%. gas heater also operates with less energy when heated soft water compared to hard water.

Cleaner clothes –  Hard water minerals usually prevent detergents and soaps from lathering well and this results into a buildup of scum on the clothes. With soft water, you prevent hard water scum from forming into your clothes. It also becomes easier to lather.


Increased water consumption –  according to research, the ion exchange process employed during salt-based water softness uses more water per day.  this means that you will be spending a lot more water than you did with hard water, which can be a disadvantage.

Increased pollution – Given the fact that your water softeners will be using a high level of sodium, it will also have a high level of metal and lead. These high levels of lead and metal could make your soft water unsafe for drinking especially for people who suffer from hypertension.


The question is whether or not a salt-based water softener is actually worth it. Sometimes it may not be a question of want but need and may be necessary. You have to gauge whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages before you actually invested in one. You can opt for salt free softeners instead, although they may be more expensive.

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